Save your mentally manufactured tales of enlightenment-to-come for someone else's ears. The price to enter this love is your hope for a better future.We are not a crowd of beggars here. You and I have been down that long, twisted roadall the way to its end.Here we do not ask God for favors but instead celebrate the light in each other's eyes.So if you are ready to stop denying yourself your own beauty, you have come to the right place.Wake up now and praise this day when you realized that God's eyes are the ones you are looking out of, and into.Praise this day-and with each breath you takebe filled with the golden arc of love which announces the ending of your argument with God.Praise this day simply because it exists and sit down in the warm skin of your own lap; for you are home and it is time to rest in the merciful light of your own eyes.
Adyashanti "My Secret is Silence"